More than just PVC & vinyl Material
While our reputation has been built on PVC reprocessing, JP Industrial procures, reprocesses, recycles and provides a variety of plastic materials for our partners. Our specialized recycled blends have enabled many of our customers to surpass their competitors and see cost savings in what is notoriously a very volatile market—materials.
We purchase our materials in various forms from our suppliers and always provide clear documentation of the weights and rates of the materials involved.
In addition to purchasing a variety of post-consumer and post-industrial scrap materials, JP Industrial can provide fabricators and extruders with custom compounds and feedstocks.
Our material blends are individually formulated for each customer and are closely monitored throughout production.
For many extruders that are still doubtful in the reliability and consistency of recycled PVC materials today, we invite you to examine our second-to-none Quality Assurance Program. Our materials undergo extensive testing that begins before it reaches our docks until well after it leaves.
Whatever your material needs might be, don’t hesitate to contact one of our experienced representatives with any inquiries you may have. We will be happy to provide you with a price quote.

Cosmetic Containers, Food Jars, Jelly & Jam Containers, Mouthwash Bottles, Peanut Butter Containers, Plastic Bottles, Prepared Food Trays, Salad Dressing Bottles, Single Use Water Bottles, Soft Drink Bottles, Sport Drink Bottles

Agricultural Pipe, Detergent Bottles, Extruded Pipe, Grocery Bags, Ice Cream Tubs, Milk Jugs, Juice Jugs, Pails, Playground Equipment, Shampoo Bottles, Shipping Containers

Vinyl Window, Siding, Fence & Pipe, Cable Sheathing, Carpet Backing, Floor Tiles, Garden Hose, Meat Wrap, Medical Tubing, Outdoor Furniture, Plumbing Pipe, Wire Insulation

6 pack rings, Bread Bags, Dry Cleaning Bags, Garbage Bags, Heavy Duty Bags, Molded Laboratory Equipment, Plastic Food Wrap, Recycling Bins, Squeezable Bottles, Toys

Bottle Caps, Cereal Liners, Cottage Cheese Containers, Hinged Lunch Boxes, Ketchup Bottles, Margarine Containers, Medicine Bottles, Microwave Ovenware, Packaging Tape, Potato Chip Bags, Rubbermaid Containers, Straws

Cafeteria Trays, CD and Video Cases, Disposable Hot or Cold Drink Cups and Paper Plates, Drinking Glasses, Egg Cartons, Fast Food Clambshells, Foam Packaging, Packing Peanuts, Plastic Cutlery, Styrofoam, Toys, Yogurt Containers

Baby Bottles, Car Parts, Fiberglass, Large Water Bottles, Sippy Cups, Tupperware, Water Cooler Bottles
Let's Work Together!
There has never been a better time to utilize JP Industrial's innovative services to save your business time and money. Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your plastic needs!